In today’s scenario as per me counselling for career direction is must. From birth till the career starting we all should aware why we are choosing this and where we need to go. Some Parent says that our child becomes doctor, engineer or something like that and we think those parents are dominating on their child, On the other hand some parent says career of my child will be as per his/her interest but before deciding anything regarding education or career we should choose a right way because there is no U-Turn on the way.
In schooling we have a lot of option to choose our career but while passing secondary class those options become less and as far as we move on with our study the field becomes narrower and competition becomes harder. Sometime we opt an option which is attractive and easy but scope of those options are also niche and we are not aware of that and at the end we only used to say if I had worked harder then I could have been more successful.

 Everyone says in every field there is equal scope, Yup i.e. true but only when you are cream of that field, If you are excellent then you always have a way but if not than struggle started and we all know that big population of that mass always being below that cream criteria. If anyone wants to be a doctor then on appearing on that test he/she had to invest a long time and hard work. In case he got failure on this test then after rejection his way becomes very tough and narrow because he/she don’t have any further knowledge beside this doctor’s field. This scenario will be same in every field so before deciding the way we should aware about the scope and options of that field. In case one candidate completed his education and finally he is appearing for his job that time as well he need to opt a good and interest oriented job because most of the time we opt the job in hurry on the bases of designation and perks but beside all those things we should also be aware about the growth and field scope.
In case one candidate selected for a sales job in Big named Pharma Company after completing his MBA with healthy salary and incentives, at initial time he will be very satisfied and happy with his job but a same routine job and field made him tired after a time being. He need to meet same doctor every day regarding same salt, he have to talk with same boss for same target oriented chit chat and after a time being when he got frustrated with his job than he will not be able to switch his job in any other field because he has the experience of that field only. Company always prefer the candidate from same field job experience and here also a wrong step against the interest, his job interest becomes zero.

As per the Indian thought process we need to have a good education but in which stream we don’t know, we always should have a good job with health salary but in which field we don’t know, after all that if we have a good education and healthy salaried job and still we are not happy than also reason for this we don’t know. Somewhere I also belong to the same category because I never asked myself why I am doing so and what really I want to do. One famous writer says “Wealth is available everywhere but happiness with wealth need to search”.
